Heating Assistance (HEAP)

The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a program that provides a fixed amount of funding to Maine each year from the federal government. Based on our most current projections, we will stop processing new applications for the program at 5:00PM on March 28, 2025.  We will make every effort to provide assistance to eligible applicants who submit a completed application by the deadline but cannot guarantee that assistance will be available.

If you need assistance after the deadline, apply and we will keep a waiting list should there be funding available.  We will work through the pipeline as quickly as possible, but please know that assistance is not guaranteed.

The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps qualified homeowners and renters pay for heating costs.

To apply click the “Apply Online Now” button below. This will lead you to the online portal where you must create an account. Only applications with complete household member information and all required documents uploaded will be considered for review.

Documents you may need: Permission to Share Information and Citizenship Attestation

The HEAP application benefit review process can take 2 to 8 weeks.

Apply Online Now

Income Guidelines

For questions or concerns: call (207) 859-1500